Since 2005, the DNDi office in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has provided essential logistical and financial support for the nifurtimox-eflornithine clinical trial (NECT), the fexinidazole trials, and the HAT Platform.


Clinical trial platform

Research and access consortiums

DNDi Democratic Republic of Congo

Avenue Milambo, n°4
Quartier Socimat
Commune de la Gombe
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Tel: +243 81 659 79 95



  • R&D: Completed patient recruitment for two clinical studies for sleeping sickness, including one for new chemical entity acoziborole
  • Access: Started fexinidazole access trainings with the National Sleeping Sickness Control Programme; the first patient to receive
    fexinidazole outside of a trial was treated in early 2020
  • Capacity strengthening: Coordinated all HAT Platform activities; prepared clinical trial sites for upcoming study of TylAMac for onchocerciasis



  • Support completion of fexinidazole clinical studies in adults (stage 1 and 2) and children with sleeping sickness
  • Start of Phase IIIb study in seven clinical sites in DR Congo to generate information on fexinidazole in special population groups in in- and out-patients
  • Start of Phase II/III study in nine clinical sites in DR Congo to test acoziborole as a single-dose treatment in patients with stage 1 or 2 sleeping sickness


  • Top-line results from the fexinidazole Phase III/IV study enable DNDi and Sanofi to pursue plans to submit for regulatory approval with the EMA in 2017.
  • Phase II/III study starts in seven sites in DRC to test SCYX-7158 as a single-dose treatment in 350 patients with stage 2 HAT.