What we have achieved
We have delivered new treatments using existing drugs to make treatments shorter, safer and more effective.
Safe and shorter treatment for VL patients. In Brazil, DNDi collaborated with partners to implement a large clinical trial to assess a new combination therapy against current treatments. Liposomal amphotericin B was shown to be efficacious and safer for the treatment of visceral leishmaniasis patients in Brazil.
New hope for a deadly co-infection. Studies conducted by DNDi, Médecins Sans Frontières, and partners in Ethiopia and India showed that a combination of miltefosine and liposomal amphotericin B had high efficacy rates for treating visceral leishmaniasis in people living with HIV.
Shorter, more affordable treatment. DNDi-led clinical trials showed a combination of sodium stibogluconate (SSG) and paromomycin was safe and as effective as treatment with SSG alone. The more affordable combination is easier for patients and cuts treatment time by nearly half.
What we are doing for people with visceral leishmaniasis
We are working to deliver better combination treatments and new drugs. Together with our partners, we have built an unprecedented portfolio of six new chemical classes, with different mechanisms of action against Leishmania parasites.
Building capacity, uniting expertise
Research platforms and consortiums that bring together researchers and strengthen research capacities in low- and middle-income countries are central to our virtual R&D model.
Partnering for patients
Collaboration is an essential part of how we work. We have forged a diverse range of alliances and research collaborations with over 200 partners in nearly 50 countries.
Making medical history for neglected patients
We develop urgently needed treatments for neglected patients and ensure they’re affordable, available, and adapted to the communities who need them
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