by Rojas de Arias A, Monroy C, Guhl F, Sosa-Estani S, Souza Santos W, Abad-Franch F. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 2022; 117. doi: 10.1590/0074-02760210130
Summary: This review discusses some key themes coming out of the multinational initiatives for Chagas disease control-surveillance, launched by endemic countries and PAHO-WHO, in the context of the WHO 2030 goals for Chagas disease. While transmission of T. cruzi via blood transfusion and organ transplantation is effectively under control, interrupting vector-borne transmission seems unfeasible. Stronger surveillance systems continue to be needed. Efforts to prevent vertical transmission by screening women who are pregnant or of childbearing potential need to be boosted. Integral patient care is a critical unmet need in most countries. Given the decades-long experience of the initiatives, it appears that disease control, rather than interruption of vector-borne T. cruzi transmission, is a more realistic description of what can be achieved by 2030.