Best science for the most neglected: How can needs-driven R&D advance universal health coverage?
DNDi celebrated 15 years of delivering the best science for the most neglected by hosting an event in Berlin following the World Health Summit.
The DNDi & Founders’ Symposium aimed to discuss the role of public interest R&D in delivering the medical innovations urgently needed to achieve Universal Health Coverage and the Sustainable Development Goals.
Discussion & Anniversary Reception
Date: Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Venue: Kino International
Introduction | Marie-Paule Kieny, Director of Research, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) and Chair of DNDi Board of Directors |
Opening address | Veronika von Messling, Director General, Life Science Division, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany |
18:40-19:30 | Panel discussion:Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and Universal Health Coverage with the best science for vulnerable populations Moderator: Ilona Kickbusch, Chair of the Global Health Centre, Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Switzerland Panelists:
19:30-19:45 |
Commitment of DNDi’s founding partners Introduced by Bernard Pécoul, Executive Director, DNDi |
Date: Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Venue: Harnack House
Introduction | Bernhards Ogutu, Chief Research Officer, Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and DNDi Board Member |
Formal address | Veronika von Messling, Director General, Life Science Division, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany |
Presentation | Javier Sancho Mas, Coordinator, Chagas Disease Global Coalition |
9:30-10:45 | Session 1: Lessons learnt from DNDi’s model within an evolving global R&D landscape Moderator: Joelle Tanguy, Director External Affairs, DNDi Speakers:
11:15-12:30 | Session 2: The three “C”s: Collaboration, Coordination and Cooperation Moderator: Javid Abdelmoneim, President / Chair of Board of Trustees, Médecins Sans Frontières UK Speakers:
Remarks | Jane Ruth Aceng, Minister of Health, Ministry of Health, Uganda |
13:30-14:20 | Session 3: New Technologies – Hype or hope? Moderator: Benjamin Perry, Senior Discovery Manager, Open Innovation, DNDi Speakers:
14:20-16:00 | Session 4: New approaches and ideas to drive public-interest R&D Moderator: Andrew Jack, Global Education Editor, Financial Times Speakers:
16:15-17:30 | Closing session: Perspectives for the next 15 years Moderator: Marie-Paule Kieny, Director of Research, Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale (INSERM) and Chair of DNDi Board of Directors Speakers:
Organized in collaboration with:

DNDi‘s Founding Partners:
Photo credit: Lukas Schramm-DNDi