The International Scientific Council for Trypanosomiasis Research and Control (ISCTRC) 35th edition aims to discuss the impact of African trypanosomiasis on human and animal health, sustainable agriculture, and rural development in the face of challenges to sustainable investment in AAT control and HAT elimination.
Diagnostic and treatment I
Date: Tuesday, 24 September 2019
Time: 14:30 – 16:00
Performance of diagnostic algorithms based on rapid diagnostic tests to detect sleeping sickness in the Democratic Republic of Congo Makabuza Mukabela Jacquies |
Difficulties conducting sensitive tests for the diagnosis of human African trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of Congo Ilunga J*, Hasker E, and Mwamba Miaka E |
Strengthening diagnostic documentation procedures in clinical trials to develop new therapeutic tools in human African trypanosomiasis Dinanga J*, Tshimanga D, Ngolo D, Cire Thiam M, Mutombo W, Rembry S, Perdrieu C, Pretre A, Delhomme S, Valverde O, Tarral A, Strub-Wourgaft N |
Description of a quality Assurance system for the biological diagnosis of HAT in the National Programme for the control of HAT in DRC Mutangala W*, Mwamba E, Kwete J, Basha M, Bawota J, Mumba D, Pyana P, Inocencio da Luz R, Büscher P, Boelaert M |
Sensitivity of serological tests for Trypanosoma brucei gambiense in detecting antibodies in livestock, and correlate with tsetse fly infestation in a human african trypanosomiasis endemic foci in delta state, Nigeria Dede PM*, Ajakaiye JJ, Wayo B, David K, Yusuf AB, Baba U, Ezebuiro CO, Edache C, Ishaq AR, N’dungu J |
Evolution of the nutritional status of children included in the DNDi HAT FEX006 study in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), between the time of diagnosis and the end of the 18-month follow-up Mudji JE*, Ngolo D, Mutombo W, Valverde O |
Epidemiology and control I
Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2019
Time: 8:15 – 10:00
Risk of post-transfusion transmission of human african trypanosomiasis in the city of Mbuji-Mayi in the Democratic Republic of Congo (March 2003 – December 2017) Milomba B*, Ilunga J, Ilunga M, Mpoyi D, Kazumba D, Tshimungu F |
Risk of resurgence of HAT in low-prevalence conflict areas: Case of Eastern Kasai Province in the DRC from 2013 to 2018 Rashidi S*, MBo F, Miaka E |
The HAT Atlas: a GIS-based system to plan control activities and monitor progress in HAT elimination Grout L*, Paone M, Priotto G, Cecchi G, Ebeja AK, Diarra A, Franco JR |
Passive surveillance for sustainable elimination of Human African Trypanosomiasis in Central Kongo Province, DRC Jacquies Makabuza Mukabela |
Enhanced passive screening for HAT in Angola – progress towards elimination. Makana DP*, Amadeu D, Kayembe S, Bessell P, Josenando, Machado C, Ndung’u J |
Human african trypanosomiasis: constraints to effective reports in Nigeria Olaleye OO*, Aluma LA, Gbadamosi FI, Abdulkadir AD |
Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT): decreasing prevalence, increasing cost per case detected, the challenge of active case detection for disease elimination Olaf Valverde, T.b. Rhodesiense HAT Leader, DNDi, Switzerland |
*Presenting author
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