The Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) and the Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) hosted an event to raise awareness for the need for research and development for better health tools and improved access for all Chagas’ patients. The event is part of the global campaign “Wake Up. Time to Treat Chagas Disease!” and brought a panel of experts covering the main aspects of Chagas’ diagnostics, medicines, field treatments etc., and a lively public discussion, chaired by Dr Pieter van Thiel, from the Amsterdam Medical Centre. The evening was opened with the screening of the movie “Chagas: A hidden affliction” by film director Ricardo Preve*.
We hope you can join us on the 2nd September; please confirm a place by emailing:
Day and time: September 2, 2009: 14:00-17:00
Venue: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropent (KIT) – Maurits Zaal; Mauritskade 63, Amsterdam
To find a map and information about how to get there please click here.
* Official Selection at XII Rosario Latin America Video Festival, XII Valdivia International Film Festival,
III International Human Rights Film Festival Barcelona, XVIII Virginia Film Festival, IX Finger Lakes
Environmental Film Festival New York, 42nd Pesaro International Film Festival, X LALIFF Los Angeles,
III International Human Rights Film Festival Mexico
To join the campaign and for further information please go to:
14.00 Welcome, registration and tea/coffee
14.15 Opening of the event: Dr Jan Donner – President of KIT
14.30 Introduction to the programme and the disease: Dr Pieter van Thiel (Clinician AMC Tropencentrum)
14.45 Screening of movie “Chagas: A Hidden Affliction” from Ricardo Preve*
15.15 Presentations detailing the practical issues surrounding Chagas disease:
- Dr Emily Adams, Molecular Parasitologist, KIT – Challenges in diagnostics
- Dr Nathlie Strub-Wourgaft, Clinical Development Director, DNDi – R&D challenges to develop new treatments for Chagas disease
- Gemma Ortiz Genovese, MSF OCBA, Neglected Diseases Senior Advocacy & Liaison Officer – MSF experience in treating patients with Chagas disease
16.00 Discussion
17.00 Closure, and drinks afterwards in the Ikeko café (in the Tropenmuseum).
* Official Selection at XII Rosario Latin America Video Festival, XII Valdivia International Film Festival,
III International Human Rights Film Festival Barcelona, XVIII Virginia Film Festival, IX Finger Lakes
Environmental Film Festival New York, 42nd Pesaro International Film Festival, X LALIFF Los Angeles,
III International Human Rights Film Festival Mexico
Presentations detailing the practical issues surrounding Chagas disease:
Dr Emily Adams, Molecular Parasitologist, KIT – Challenges in diagnostics (PDF)
Dr Nathlie Strub-Wourgaft, Clinical Development Director, DNDi – R&D challenges to develop new treatments for Chagas disease (PDF)
Gemma Ortiz Genovese, MSF OCBA, Neglected Diseases Senior Advocacy & Liaison Officer – MSF experience in treating patients with Chagas disease (PDF)