by Cooke GS, Andrieux-Meyer I, Applegate TL, Atun R, Burry JR, Cheinquer H, Dusheiko G, Feld JJ, Gore C, Griswold MG, Hamid S, Hellard ME, Hou J, Howell J, Jia J, Kravchenko N, Lazarus JV, Lemoine M, Lesi OA, Maistat L, McMahon BJ, Razavi H, Roberts TR, Simmons B, Sonderup MW, Spearman CW, Taylor BE, Thomas DL, Waked I, Ward JW, Wiktor SZ, on behalf of The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology Commissioners. The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2019, 4(2): 135-184. doi: 10.1016/S2468-1253(18)30270-X
Summary: Viral hepatitis is a major public health threat and a leading cause of death worldwide. Every year viral hepatitis kills an estimated 1.4 million people, comparable to mortality from other major infectious diseases including HIV, tuberculosis, or malaria. This Commission was formed to take stock of the global situation as we embark on the journey to elimination and identifies key interventions needed to accelerate progress. DNDi authors were involved in writing the section on access to medicines for viral hepatitis.