DIA Europe 2018 is unique in presenting the entire health care value chain ranging from policy and regulations to R&D, marketing, and access.
Keynote Panel
Towards access 2030: How can strengthening of regulatory systems contribute?
Date: Tuesday, 17 April 2018
Time: 9:00-10:30
Session Chair: Petra Dörr, Deputy Executive Director, Swissmedic, Switzerland
Various initiatives and programs are under way to improve access to quality medicines in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC). An important component of achieving this goal is to strengthen the regulatory systems of those countries. Many stakeholders (and many resources) are involved and engaged. However, what does Regulatory Systems Strengthening (RSS) actually mean in the context of Access 2030 in LMICs and do all these efforts show tangible results? What are the outcomes we are trying to achieve through RSS and how can we improve these outcomes? |
Nathalie Strub-Wourgraft, DNDi Medical Director – Member of multi-stakeholder panel |
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