DNDi and iOWH held panel sessions at BIO 2009.
Wednesday, May 20, 8:00am-9:30am: DNDi session “PDPs and Alternative IP
Management/Tech Transfer Strategies for Improved Global Health”
Thursday, May 21, 2:00pm-3:30pm: iOWH session “Different Type of Partnerships Which Compose PDPs for Improved Global Health”
If you would like to download the full Programme, please click here.
DNDi Symposium
1 R&D for Neglected Diseases: PDPs and Alternative IP Management/Tech Transfer Strategies For Improved Global Health
by Mervin Turner
2 PDPs & IP Management Strategies for Improved Global Health
by Carol Mimura
3 Case Studies in Technology Transfer & IP Management
by Julie J.L. Cheng
4 IP Management/Tech Transfer Strategies for Improved Global Health
by Prof. Patrick Nef and Sylvie Fonteilles-Drabek
5 IP Management/Tech Transfer Strategies for Improved Global Health: Selected Illustrative Deals with the Private Sector
by Jean-Pierre Paccaud
6 PDPs and Alternative IP Management/Tech Transfer Strategies for Improved Global Health
by Gerald J. Siuta
iOWH Symposium
1 Different Types of Partnerships Which Compose PDPs for Improved Global Health
by Paul Nakagaki
2 Semisynthetic Artemisinin Partnership
by Nina E. Grove
3 Partnering with PDPs for the Most Neglected Diseases An Overview of DNDi & Its Partnerships
by Jean-Pierre Paccaud
4 Product Development Partnership for better « Access to Medicines » An Example on Malaria
by Philippe Farabolini
5 2009 BIO International Convention Neglected Diseases Initiative
by David Perry
Press Release
If you would like to read the Press Release, please click here.
BIO Website
If you would like to access the BIO website, please click here.