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Bernard Pécoul, Executive Director of Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) comments on the G-Finder 2012 findings:
'Over the last few years, funding for neglected disease R&D appears to be stabilizing; however, though there have been positive trends in some sectors, the overall funding remains inadequate compared with the needs, notably for the most neglected diseases such as Chagas disease, sleeping sickness or leishmaniasis.
With the shift toward greater public sector support for basic research rather than late-stage product development, at a time when we are expecting an increased amount of projects in clinical development, there is a high risk that promising compounds in the pipeline will not make it through this - most costly -phase of R&D and will not reach patients.
To ensure that these projects do not fall into oblivion, we need more than just tracking of pipelines and resource flows; we need more resources from a wider range of funders. At the same time, this must be linked with strong global coordination to make sure that investments are made according to the most pressing R&D needs and gaps within an R&D framework that guarantees affordability and access for patients. In this respect, the absence of strong country engagement for a global R&D convention during the recent WHO negotiations is a major disappointment.'
Bernard Pécoul, Executive Director, Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi)