Following the report of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development: Financing and Coordination (CEWG), which will be discussed at the upcoming World Health Assembly (agenda item 13.14) in May 2012. This report makes major recommendations to implement the ‘WHO Global Strategy and Plan of Action on Public Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights’ in a sustainable manner, notably by strengthening financing and coordination of health research to address the needs of developing countries. DNDi has issued a policy brief: concerning the CEWG report: ‘Transforming Individual Successes into Sustainable Change to Ensure Health Innovation for Neglected Patients: Why an Essential Health R&D Convention Is Needed’. Based on our own experience, the brief outlines the factors that we deem essential, in the long term, for enhancing R&D to respond to the needs of neglected patients in developing countries: open innovation and pro-access IP management, sustainable financing mechanisms, coordination of R&D with commitment from endemic countries, and innovative regulatory pathways.
"Transforming Individual Successes into Sustainable Change to Ensure Health Innovation for Neglected Patients: Why an Essential Health R&D Convention Is Needed"