DNDi and Anacor have been working together over the last few years to identify oxaborole compounds, initially for the HAT programme, and this has expanded to include both leishmaniasis and Chagas disease. DNDI-6148 has emerged as a promising lead candidate for visceral leishmaniasis and cutaneous leishmaniasis, and by the end of 2015 studies including exploratory toxicology necessary for possible progression to preclinical development had been successfully completed.
Five potential oxaborole back-up compounds have been identified, should DNDI-6148 not succeed in development. Two of these, DNDI-5421 and DNDI-5610, are the most advanced and are being kept ready in case insurmountable issues are identified for DNDI-6148. These compounds have highly efficacious profiles, and if DNDI-6148 should fail we will assess their suitability as viable back-ups.
Project updates
Further development of these two compounds remains on hold as development of lead compound DNDI-6148 progresses to a Phase I study.
Further development of these two compounds is currently on hold and will only recommence should problems be encountered with the development of DNDI-6148.