In our interconnected and media-driven world, attention has emerged as a powerful force shaping humanitarian action. The allocation of attention and the control over narratives, whether driven by media, public, economic, or political influences, holds profound implications for crises response and humanitarian habits. Consequently, the in parts unjustifiably attention-based prioritization perpetuates systemic inequalities and often neglects protracted challenges or slow-onset crises. Given the systemic power imbalances and biases inherent in attention, it seems essential to explore appropriate opportunities for impartial humanitarian assistance. The upcoming Humanitarian Congress Berlin 2023 aims to unpack the complexities, drivers and consequences of multifaceted attention and shed light on potential solutions.
From Ebola to Tuberculosis: Understanding deadly neglect in global health
Date: Tuesday 10 October 2023
Time: 11:30 to 12:30 CEST
Chair: Katri Bertram, Senior Global Health Consultant
- Fatima Hassan, Director and Founder, Health Justice International
- Abdulkarim Ekzayez, Senior Research Associate, King’s College London
- Michelle Childs, Policy Advocacy Director, DNDi