Friends of DNDi

Friends of DNDi

DNDi’s Board of Directors has established “Friends of DNDi” to recognize select individuals who support DNDi’s mission and vision by engaging global influencers, policymakers and supporters to help DNDi succeed in reaching its objectives.

Paulo Buss, Specialist in Pediatrics and Public Health

Yves Champey, Founder of ITEEC

Abdallah Daar, Professor of Public Health Sciences and of Surgery at the University of Toronto

Philippe Desjeux, Specialist in Leishmaniasis

Nirmal Ganguly, Former Director General of the Indian Council of Medical Research

Rowan Gillies, Former President of MSF International Council

Reinaldo Guimaraes, Director of ABIFINA, Brazil

Nila Heredia, Former Minister of Health and Sports, Bolivia

Lalit Kant, Former Senior Scientific Adviser, Gates Foundation

Unni Karunakara, Former International President of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders

Stephen Lewis, Chair of the Board of the Stephen Lewis Foundation, Canada

Datuk Mohd Ismail Merican, Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of the Board of Governors MAHSA University, Malaysia

Sheba K. Meymandi, Director of the Center of Excellence for Chagas Disease at Olive View-UCLA Medical Center

Carlos Morel, Director of the Center for Technological Development in Health (CDTS) and Senior Researcher, Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ)

Carlos Henrique Nery Costa, Former President of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine

Piero Olliaro, WHO / TDR, University of Oxford

Bernard Pécoul, Founder of DNDi

Ricardo Preve, Argentine filmmaker, photographer, and activist

Mirta Roses Periago, Former Director of PAHO

Morten Rostrup, Former International President of Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders

Eloan dos Santos, Consultant for Brazilian and International organizations in the field of Public Health Policy

José Gomes Temporão, Former Minister of Health, Brazil

Germán Velasquez, Special Adviser, South Center

Rafael Vilasanjuan, Director, ISGlobal’s Think Tank

Dyann Wirth, Chair of the Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School of Public Health

Yongyuth Yuthavong, Deputy Prime Minister, Thailand